Royal Society Publishing has published a special issue of Interface Focus entitled Bioinformatics in Latin America: ISCB-LA SOIBIO RMB Symposium 2020
ISDCB-LA SoIBio BioNetMX 2020 Best Presetation Winners
Article talk
Guillermo De Anda Jauregui
Highly-connected, non-redundant microRNAs functional control in breast cancer molecular subtypes
Flash talk
Flavio Spetale
Automatic GO annotation of Long Non-coding RNAs
Catarina Branco
Consequences of diverse past evolutionary processes on the genetic gradients of current Asians
ISCB-Latin America SoIBio BioNetMX Symposium on Bioinformatics 2020, organized by the Bioinformatics Network Mexico (BioNetMX) together with the Iberoamerican Society of Bioinformatics (SoIBio) and the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) aims to promote scientific and professional exchange in bioinformatics across Latin America.
Bioinformatics brings together scientists from different disciplines, such as Biology, Informatics, Genomics, Mathematics, Statistics, Ecology, Medicine, etc, to solve relevant biological questions. This virtual symposium will bring together people from these areas (trainees, industry, and scientific leaders), and will provide a forum to showcase scientific developments. Importantly, this event will help the Bioinformatics community strengthen interactions within Latin America, a region that has shown great potential in the area.
This virtual symposium will provide the environment for the interchange of ideas between researchers developing algorithms and researchers with interesting problems that require new algorithms to be developed. Moreover, scientists with no or very little knowledge on informatics will have the opportunity to learn about the new findings in the development of high-end tools for the analysis of their biological data.
This two-day event will feature:
- Invited speakers
- Roundtable networking breakouts
- Women in STEM panel discussion
- Flash talks selected from an open call for abstracts
- Scientific talks selected from articles submissions to Interface Focus Journal
Call for submissions is now open for:
- Article submission to Interface Focus Journal with oral presentation (August 1)
- Flash talk submissions (Deadline August 30)
- Posters submissions (Deadline August 30)
- Workshop and Training submissions (Deadline July 30)