Article, Flash Talk, and Poster Submissions
Article Submission
The Interface Focus Journal has committed to creating a special issue for this conference with up to twelve peer-reviewed articles.
In addition to the standard submission information, authors are expected to submit a PDF of the written article following the preparation guidelines as outlined by Interface Focus Journal. Article preparation guidelines can be found here.
Article submissions will close August 1st, initial review will be done and authors will have an opportunity to update and prepare their final manuscripts. The final date for updates will be August 30th. The review period by the Royal Society will be from August 1st to September 30th . We will give authors two months to reply to comments in order to have the list of accepted articles at the end of September. Outstanding articles will be selected for featuring talks (10 total minutes in length with 2 minutes reserved for Q&A).
Authors are responsible for fees related to publishing as deemed by Royal Society.
Abstracts Submission for Flash Talks and Posters
ISCB-Latin America SoIBio BioNetMX Symposium on Bioinformatics 2020 invites abstracts topical to bioinformatics and computational biology for consideration for flash talk and/or poster presentation.
Flash talks and posters will be organized according to scientific topics, which are covered by the symposium (see below). Please note, abstracts are not limited to the listed conference topics and if the topic of your submission falls outside the listed ones you can choose the "General Computational Biology" area. Your abstract should convey a scientific result and should not be an advertisement for any commercial software package.
Abstracts will be selected for flash talk or poster presentation on the corresponding session. General Computation Biology abstracts will be accommodated in the closest area for the topic per recommendation of the reviewers.
Conference areas:
- Bioinformatic strategies and methods to unravel RNA Genomics
- Computational Molecular Biology to Study Evolution in Microorganisms
- Development of Tools and Applications: Usability and Accessibility
- Ecology and Evolution
- Methods applied to Human Genetic studies
- Methods and Algorithms in Computational Molecular Biology
- Population dynamics and Evolution in Eukaryotes
- Strategies in Cancer Genomics: From family to population studies
- All other related areas
Abstracts selected for flash talk will be presenting using the 3 minute thesis or Ignite talks presentation style or a single slide or PDF. All talks will be recorded and available to participants as well as included in a broadcast schedule as part of the symposium schedule. Organization of the schedule will be based on topic. All schedules will be posted on the ISCB-LA SoIBio BioNetMX 2020 website. A best flash talk prize will be awarded which will be voted on by participants to select a winner. A social will be held at the end for participants to mingle virtually.
Abstracts selected for poster presentation will be part of the virtual poster hall associated with the symposium. Each presenter will be asked to record a 3 minute poster presentation. Poster will be open for viewing throughout the duration of the symposium with a Q&A function.
Authors selected for presentation (flash talk or poster) will be required to register for the symposium.