Call for Workshops and Tutorials!
Submission Deadline: 12 April, 2021
We invite scientists and professionals working in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology to submit high-quality proposals for tutorials, workshops or mini-courses (tutorial program) to take place virtually as part of ISCB-Africa ASBCB 2021. |
Open Call for Abstracts (Oral and Poster)
Submission Deadline: 15 April, 2021 ISCB-Africa ASBCB Bioinformatics Conference welcomes original research and previously published research submissions for oral presentation (flash talk) and/or poster presentation consideration. Abstracts may cover any area of computational biology, but preferably within one of the topic areas of the ASBCB Communities of Special Interest (COSI) listed below:
- Population Genomics in Africa (AfriPopGen): population genomics and variant interpretation relevant to African populations
- Pathogen
- Agricultural Bioinformatics
- Metaomics: multi-omics approaches in agriculture, health and diseases, and environmental research with a focus on both the laboratory and bioinformatic techniques and developments within the meta-omics (metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, metaproteomics and metabolomics)
- Structural Biology
- Systems Administration
- General Bioinformatics and Computational Biology