Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide


ISMB/ECCB 2021 Virtual Conference Registration (Now Open)

Registration is still open for VoD of the conference at a 50% reduced rate!

Registration Benefits

Registration for ISMB/ECCB 2021 Virtual conference is for the full conference only.  Registration includes the following conference benefits:

  • Training workshops and tutorials
  • Student Council Symposium 
  • Live and on-demand sessions to benefit attendees from all time zones
  • 500+ expected scientific talks
  • Live question and answer feature to engage with the speaker during sessions
  • Live chat feature to engage with other participants within your session room
  • Dedicated time for research presentation within the Research Exchange Forum (formally Poster Hall) 
  • Ability to make new connections when utilizing the attendee profile and match maker features
  • Schedule one-on-one time with speakers, poster presenters, exhibitors, and sponsors to learn more about their work, products, or services
  • Exclusive access to the ISMB/ECCB 2021 on-demand repository of talks and poster presentations for viewing at your leisure after conference dates

When you register please ensure that you select your preferred program options from the list of Communities of Special Interest (COSI) or Other program options.

Registration fees are in United States dollars. Certificates of participation will be available on-line for registered delegates following the conference.

Registration Fellowships

ISCB is pleased to offer registration fellowships to any member in good standing with priority going to members from low or middle income countries as well as students and postdoctoral fellows to attend the ISMB/ECCB 2021 virtual conference. Funding sources for Fellowships are very limited and we regret that we are not able to fund all applicants. The conference organizers are committed to providing support to as many eligible applicants as possible. Fellowship consideration is based on membership, accepted work to ISMB/ECCB 2021 and country economic status based on World Bank rankings.

The fellowship application is available here: https://www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2021-general/fellowship 

ISCB Laboratory Registration

*ISCB Laboratory Member Rate: Available to ISCB Member Institutions or Labs. This is a new ISCB membership type effective March, 2021. See ISCB membership categories at: https://www.iscb.org/become-a-member 

**Laboratory Rate: Available to a group or lab where the lead registrant is an ISCB member. The additional 7 group registrants are not required to be members of ISCB. This registration category includes ISCB membership for any combination of up to 7 students or postdocs as part of the group.

The lead registrant will register the additional 7 members of the group at the time of registration. The group will not receive confirmations but will receive instructions in early July on how to participate in the conference virtually.


You can check which country income rate will be used at: https://www.iscb.org/membership-dues-calculator

ISCB MEMBER FEES - Virtual Conference
All four days
High Income Countries Middle-Low Income Countries Low Income Countries
Student $130.00 $80.00 $55.00
Post Doc $180.00 $80.00 $55.00
Professional: Academic; Non-profit; Government; or Corporate $230.00 $105.00 $80.00
*ISCB Laboratory Member Rate (total of 8) (Ends on July 9, 12:00 Noon EDT) $925.00 $425.00 $225.00
**Group/Lab Rate for PI Member (total of 8, includes up to 7 ISCB student or postdoc memberships) (Ends on July 9, 12:00 Noon EDT) $1140.00 $665.00 $465.00

Not an ISCB member? We welcome you to join during registration or select the non - member registration rate for ISMB which will include a complimentary 1-year membership to the Society

ISCB NON-MEMBER FEES - Virtual Conference
All four days
High Income Countries Middle-Low Income Countries Low Income Countries
Student $215.00 $105.00 $70.00
Post Doc $310.00 $105.00 $70.00
Professional: Academic; Non-profit; Government; or Corporate $430.00 $150.00 $105.00

ISCB MEMBERSHIP (ISCB Membership Fee Chart available here)


If you are a current member of ISCB, you must use the email address registered with your ISCB membership record in order to register at the discounted member rates through the online system. If you do not know the email address you used to register with ISCB, please use the help function at: http://www.iscb.org/iscb-forgot-your-password


Save money by becoming a member of ISCB during registration.


If your ISCB membership is not current or will expire on or before July 30, 2021, you will be offered an opportunity to renew your membership as part of your registration fees through the online system.


ISMB/ECCB 2021 conference fees are charged in United States dollars. The following credit cards are accepted for registration: American Express, MasterCard, and Visa.


Last day to pay by wire or check Ends on July 9, 2021 - after this time only Credit Card payment is accepted

To arrange a wire transfer please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request wire transfer instructions. PLEASE note a $25.00 wire administration fee must be added during your registration for those choosing to pay by wire transfer. If you will be paying by ACH rather than an electronic wire transfer, please specify that as the detailed instructions are different. Please note that any bank fees must be paid by the participant. Should funds arrive with bank fees deducted, payment of the difference will be charged to the participant at on-site registration.

For further information write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The ISCB Code of Conduct for ISCB Conferences is available here.


Friday, July 23: Start: 8 UTC end: 14:25 UTC (Day 1)
Saturday, July 24: 14 UTC end: 20:50 UTC (Day 2)

The 17th ISCB Student Council Symposium (SCS17) is a student-organized event featuring keynote lectures, oral presentations and a poster session. The Symposium is tailored mainly to undergraduate and graduate students as well as post-docs in computational biology and related disciplines. You can find details on the program at:  https://www.scs2021.iscbsc.org 

The Student Council Symposium is a forum for students and young researchers in the fields of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Participants will have the opportunity to present their work to an international audience, build a network within the computational biology community and develop important soft skills in an environment that fosters exchange of ideas and knowledge.

SCS Registration fees:

  • Free for ISMB/ECCB 2021 registrants while registering with the conference
  • $10 for ISCB members
  • $20 for non-members


Tutorials are held as separate virtual events - details on the tutorial program are available at:

Note: You must be registered for the ISMB/ECCB 2021 conference to attend a Tutorial.  

Registration Fees

ISCB MEMBER FEES - Virtual Tutorials
Full day tutorials will be presented over 2 half days

High Income Countries Middle-Low Income Countries Low Income Countries
Student (*Full Day)  $100.00 $50.00 $20.00
Post Doc (*Full Day) $100.00 $50.00 $20.00
Professional: Academic; Non-profit; Government; or Corporate (*Full Day) $100.00 $50.00 $20.00
Student (Half Day) $50.00 $25.00 $10.00
Post Doc (Half Day) $50.00 $25.00 $10.00
Professional: Academic; Non-profit; Government; or Corporate (Half Day) $50.00 $25.00 $10.00
NON-MEMBER FEES - Virtual Tutorials
*Full day tutorials will be presented over 2 half days
High Income Countries Middle-Low Income Countries Low Income Countries
Student (*Full Day) $165.00 $85.00 $35.00
Post Doc (*Full Day) $195.00 $85.00 $35.00
Professional: Academic; Non-profit; Government; or Corporate (*Full Day) $240.00 $105.00 $55.00
Student (Half Day) $110.00 $55.00 $25.00
Post Doc (Half Day) $140.00 $55.00 $25.00
Professional: Academic; Non-profit; Government; or Corporate (Half Day) $185.00 $75.00 $40.00

Conference proceedings will be available as an open access, online-only issue of Bioinformatics after July 12, 2021.

Request for registration cancellation must be made in writing and emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. prior to July 9, 2021. Registration fees will be refunded, less a $25.00 administration fee, when requested no later than July 9. No refunds are available after July 9, 2021.


Only registered participants will have online access to the conference. Presenters concerned about unpublished data can request that specific slides not be shown. In exceptional cases, the presenter can request that none of their slides be provided online.

For questions about registration contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.