Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

ISCB News and Announcements

Submit an Abstract for RECOMB/ISCB 2013 Conference on Regulatory and Systems Genomics, with DREAM Challenges!


DREAM Challenges Deadline: Sept 15

Early Bird Registration Ends: Oct 11

Early Registration
May 6 - October 11 ISCB Member Non-Member
$425 $625
Student/Post Doc $300 $400

Regular Registration
October 12 -
November 5
ISCB Member Non-Member
$575 $775
Student/Post Doc $450 $550

Become an ISCB member and SAVE!

Visit RECOMB/ISCB 2013 for the latest conference and DREAM8 Challenges information

Submit an Abstract!

Don't miss your chance to be considered for oral presentations and/or poster presentations!

Abstract Deadline: September 13.

Topics include:

  • Modeling and recognition of regulatory motifs and modules
  • Chromatin state establishment, maintenance, and role in development
  • Post-transcriptional regulation and small regulatory RNAs
  • Regulatory networks, metabolic networks, proteomic networks
  • Cellular signatures of biological responses and disease states
  • Phosphorylation, metabolic fluxes, systematic phenotyping
  • Mathematical modeling and simulation of biological systems
  • Methods for systematic validation of high-throughput biological predictions
  • Approaches for aggregation of results arising from different methodologies
  • Translational systems biology

If your abstract is accepted, it will be included in an abstract booklet that will be distributed to all conference participants. The abstract booklet will also include abstracts of full-length papers accepted in our partner journals Genome Research, G3: Gene / Genome / Genetics and the Journal of Computational Biology.

Register now and join us in Toronto!

Conference: November 8 - 12, 2013


RECOMB 2014: the 18th International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology

April 2-5, 2014, Pittsburgh, PA
Submission open: September 2, 2013
Submission deadline: October 15, 2013
Submission entry:  www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=recomb2014
Conference website:  www.compbio.cmu.edu/recomb/

The 18th International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2014) will be held in Pittsburgh, PA on April 2-5, 2014. The RECOMB conference series was founded in 1997 to provide a scientific forum for advances in computational biology and applications in molecular biology and medicine. The conference aims at bridging the computational, mathematical, statistical, and biological sciences, and bringing together researchers, professionals, students and industrial practitioners from all over the world for interaction and exchange of new developments in all areas of bioinformatics and computational biology. The conference will feature keynote talks by leading scientists, presentations of peer-reviewed high-quality research papers, presentations of exciting research developments that were published within the past year and poster sessions on latest research progress.

Papers reporting on original research in all areas of computational molecular biology and bioinformatics are sought. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Molecular Sequence Analysis
  • Regulation and Epigenomics
  • Molecular Evolution
  • Gene Expression
  • Biological Networks
  • Sequencing and Genotyping Technologies
  • Metagenomics
  • Population and Statistical Genetics
  • Systems Biology
  • Computational Proteomics
  • Computational Structural Biology
  • Bioimaging

Submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee, and selected papers will be accepted for presentation at the conference. Accepted extended abstracts will be published as a proceedings volume in the Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI) series by Springer-Verlag, which will be available at the conference. RECOMB 2014 is partnering with the Journal of Computational Biology (JCB). Accepted papers will be invited, but not required, to submit an edited journal version for a special issue of JCB.Ê

Parallel Submission: RECOMB 2014 has teamed up with PLoS Computational Biology to allow for reviewing a selected set of papers for the journal in parallel to their consideration by RECOMB. Authors who wish their manuscript to be considered for publication in PLoS Computational Biology must clearly indicate this at the time of submission to RECOMB, and submit a complete manuscript for review. Manuscripts that are accepted to RECOMB will appear either as two-page abstracts or full papers in the LNBI proceedings depending on their review/acceptance status in PLoS Computational Biology. Full details can be found on the conference website. No other parallel submissions are allowed.

Key dates (Extended Abstracts)

Submission opens: September 2, 2013

Submission deadline: October 15, 2013

Acceptance notification: December 9, 2013

Final version due: January 16, 2014

Full details on manuscript preparation and submission procedures can be found on the conference website.

Best Regards,

Roded Sharan, Program Chair

Russell Schwartz and Panagiotis Benos, Conference Chairs


October 10 Abstract Submission Deadline
November 5 MARC Travel Fellowship Application Deadline
November 15 Early Registration Deadline
November 15 Academic Retreat Sign-up Deadline
November 20 Housing Cut off Deadline

- Nov 15
Nov 16
Student $185 $260
Post Doc $220 $295
Academic/Non-profit/Government $365 $440
Corporate $460 $535

- Nov 15
Nov 16
Student $285 $360
Post Doc $380 $455
Academic/Non-profit/Government $585 $660
Corporate $680 $755

Become a Member and SAVE!

For further details, visit www.iscb.org/rocky2013


11th Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference

Snowmass/Aspen, Colorado, USA
December 12 - 14, 2013
Thursday, 12 December 09:00 to Saturday, 14 December 13:00


Make your plans today to attend the Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference!

Now in its 11th year, held in the beautiful mountains of Aspen/Snowmass, this conference brings together scientists and students from around the world for three days of science, networking, and world-class skiing.

Rocky also provides is a wonderful opportunity for groups from the same lab to hold a retreat in conjunction with Rocky.

For more information and to register today visit ROCKY 2013.

Call for Presentations!

Don't miss your chance to present your findings at the Rocky 2013 Conference through 'flash' presentations or posters!

Submissions now being accepted.

Meeting location: Viceroy Hotel Snowmass.

Register now and join us in Colorado!


ISCB Announces Results of the Officer Elections

The Board of Directors of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) is pleased to announce the results of the recent officer elections. Members of the society elected the following as incoming officers beginning January 2014:

  • President-elect – Alfonso Valencia, Ph.D., Spanish National Cancer Research Centre. Valencia is an ISCB Fellow and has been involved with the leadership of the organization since its international expansion in 2002.  He currently serves on the Board of Directors, is the chair of the Fellows Committee and Awards Committee, and has been involved in other various leadership roles throughout his volunteer tenure. Valencia brings with him a long list of accolades and management experience.  He will serve as President-elect starting 21 January 2014 and will serve as President beginning in 2015 for a three-year term.
  • Vice President – Thomas Lengauer, Ph.D., Max Planck Institute for Informatics. Lengauer has been involved with ISCB since the late 1990s.  He is a current member of the Board of Directors and was a key organizer of ISMB 1999 (Heidelberg) and ISMB 2007 (Vienna). Lengauer is also involved and a co-founder of RECOMB and ECCB. He will serve as vice president starting 21 January 2014 for a three-year term.

This year's election also included ISCB Student Council leadership. The ISCB Board of Directors is pleased to announce the elected young professionals who will lead the ISCB Student Council (SC) in 2014.

  •     Chair -  Darbha Anupama Jigisha, University of Geneva and Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
  •     Vice Chair - Umesh Nandal, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam
  •     Treasurer - Esmeralda Vicedo, Technical University of Munich
  •     Secretary - Tomas Di Domenico, University of Padova, Italy
  •     Student Council Representative to ISCB Board of Directors - Avinash Kumar Shanmugam, University of Michigan.

For additional information on ISCB's annual nominations and elections procedures please see http://iscb.org/iscb-leadership-a-staff-/officers-and-board-directors/nomination-election-procedures.

The next call for nominations of directors, officers and student council leaders will open February 2014, for terms beginning in January of 2015.


Submit an Abstract for RECOMB/ISCB 2013 Conference on Regulatory and Systems Genomics, with DREAM Challenges!


Abstract Deadline: Sept 13

DREAM Challenges Deadline: Sept 15

Early Bird Registration Ends: Oct 11

Early Registration
May 6 - October 11 ISCB Member Non-Member
$425 $625
Student/Post Doc $300 $400

Regular Registration
October 12 -
November 5
ISCB Member Non-Member
$575 $775
Student/Post Doc $450 $550

Become an ISCB member and SAVE!

Visit RECOMB/ISCB 2013 for the latest conference and DREAM8 Challenges information

Submit an Abstract!

Don't miss your chance to be considered for oral presentations and/or poster presentations!

This conference is designed to present the latest findings about regulatory and systems genomics, foster discussion and current research direction, and establish new collaborations that will advance the development of a systems-level understanding of gene regulation.

Topics include:

  • Modeling and recognition of regulatory motifs and modules
  • Chromatin state establishment, maintenance, and role in development
  • Post-transcriptional regulation and small regulatory RNAs
  • Regulatory networks, metabolic networks, proteomic networks
  • Cellular signatures of biological responses and disease states
  • Phosphorylation, metabolic fluxes, systematic phenotyping
  • Mathematical modeling and simulation of biological systems
  • Methods for systematic validation of high-throughput biological predictions
  • Approaches for aggregation of results arising from different methodologies
  • Translational systems biology

If your abstract is accepted, it will be included in an abstract booklet that will be distributed to all conference participants. The abstract booklet will also include abstracts of full-length papers accepted in our partner journals Genome Research, G3: Gene / Genome / Genetics and the Journal of Computational Biology.

Plan to attend one of the premier meetings for computational and experimental scientists in the areas of regulatory genomics and systems biology.

Register now and join us in Toronto!

Conference: November 8 - 12, 2013


Mark Your Calendars: ROCKY 2013 Registration Opens August 10th!


Important Dates
August 9 Early Abstract Submission Opens
August 10 Registration & Housing Opens
October 10 Abstract Submission Deadline
November 5 MARC Travel Fellowship Application Deadline
November 15 Early Registration Deadline
November 15 Academic Retreat Sign-up Deadline
November 20 Housing Cut off Deadline

Aug 10
- Nov 15
Nov 16
Student $285 $360
Postdoc $380 $455
$585 $660
Corporate $680 $755

Aug 10
- Nov 15
Nov 16
Student $185 $260
Postdoc $220 $295
$365 $440
Corporate $460 $535

Become a Member and SAVE!

For further details,
visit www.iscb.org/rocky2013

Plan an off-site retreat, bring your colleagues to Rocky and SAVE.  Check out the Academic Retreat!

Registration Opens: August 10!

Join us in Colorado for the ROCKY 2013 Conference!

The Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference is in its 11th year in the beautiful mountains of Aspen/Snowmass.  The conference brings together scientists and students from around the world for three days of 10-minute flash talks, plenty of time for networking and forming collaborations, and of course, time for some world-class skiing.  This conference is a wonderful opportunity for groups from the same lab to hold a retreat in conjunction with Rocky.  Many students have had the opportunity to give their first live presentation at Rocky and we encourage all to submit an abstract to give a presentation.

Mark Your Calendars: December 12 - 14, 2013!


Scheduled Keynote Speakers:

Gary Bader, PhD

Associate Professor University of Toronto, Canada

Kirk E. Jordan, PhD

IBM Distinguished Engineer,
Emerging Solutions Executive & Assoc. Program Director
Computational Science Center, IBM T.J. Watson Research
Member, IBM Academy of Technology  

For more information data-on Sponsorship Opportunities, contact
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Final hours to vote for the future leaders of ISCB!

Voting will close in a few hours, don't miss your chance to cast your ballot!

Voting is now open for ISCB Officer positions – President Elect and Vice President, as well as Student Council Leaders position –  Representative to the ISCB Board of Directors, Student Council Chair, Student Council Vice-Chair, Student Council Secretary, and Student Council Treasurer.

Please go to www.iscb.org/elections now to read the candidate statements and cast your ballot. (Logging in to your membership account is required to verify your membership status, as only members can vote in the Society elections, but your ballot is 100% anonymous.)

A voting station is also available at ISMB/EBBC at the ISCB Booth.

Use your voice and vote for tomorrow's leaders!

ISCB 2013 Student Travel Fellowship Campaign

When you need to connect with colleagues in computational biology, where do you go? If you're like most in our Society, you attend an ISCB conference.

Why?  Because you know you will receive the latest news on scientific methods and discoveries from leaders in our field. And you also know that you'll meet new colleagues from around the world that will spark ideas for future research and collaboration.

Your membership has helped make ISCB the leading society for bioinformatics and computational biology. We are so grateful to you for supporting our scientific community. Thanks to you, our Society works to advance our field in over 70 countries, whether through conferences, publications, policy, education or training.

ISCB is your scientific society. We exist to serve you and advance computational biology and bioinformatics.  As you know, the future of our science depends on current students, the next generation of academic and industry scientists.

Each year, ISCB travel fellowships make it possible for approximately 75-100 students and postdocs to attend our conferences. Now is a crucial time. Government grants for travel fellowships are decreasing. Our student members are counting on your support. How were you helped when you were a student?  Are you in a position to help others?

Your gift is extremely important to ISCB because it will provide resources that will make an immediate impact, resources that will help students actively participate in and benefit from a committed community of scientists.

Your gift of $5, $25, $50, $100 or $500 can make all the difference…to our postdocs, our graduate students, and undergraduates. And if you'd like, you can name a travel fellowship with a $2,000 contribution. Your gift at this amount will fully support one young investigator to experience an ISCB conference.

As bioinformatics and computational biology progress, your Society is committed to helping students grow and thrive in our field. Please help to make this possible with your contribution. To make a donation, or learn more about giving opportunities, visit www.iscb.org/iscb-support-iscb.

Thank you so much for supporting our future leaders.


Burkhard Rost
ISCB President

Reinhard Schneider
ISCB Treasurer and Chair, Fundraising Committee


July 12, 2013: On-site Registration Available for ISMB/ECCB 2013!

July 18, 2013 Late Registration available onsite Berlin ICC
(3p.m. - 6p.m.)  

ISCB MEMBER FEES - All prices in Euros (€) and include 19% German VAT After July 5, 2013
Student €547.40
Corporate €785.40

NON-MEMBER FEES - All prices in Euros (€) and include 19% German VAT After July 5, 2013
Student €678.30
Corporate €1035.30

Become an ISCB member and SAVE!

It's not too late to attend the premier annual computational biology conference!

Don't miss your opportunity to learn, network, and collaborate with over 1500 scientists from around the world!

ISMB/ECCB 2013 will offer a strong scientific program and the broadest scope of any international computational biology/ bioinformatics conference!

This year, ISMB/ECCB is comprised of 225 talks spanning 13 different topic areas, as well as 800 posters.

Register on-site to hear incredible science in Berlin!

On-site Registration Available
July 18th!



Conference July 21 – 23

SIGs & Sessions July 19 – 20

See you in Berlin!











Register now for ISMB/ECCB 2013 - Online Registration Closes July 5th!

July 5, 2013 Online Registration Closes 
July 18, 2013 Late Registration available onsite Berlin ICC
(3p.m. - 6p.m.)  

ISCB MEMBER FEES - All prices in Euros (€) and include 19% German VAT June 8, 2013 - July 5, 2013 After July 5, 2013
Student €487.90 €547.40
€666.40 €725.90
Corporate €725.90 €785.40

NON-MEMBER FEES - All prices in Euros (€) and include 19% German VAT June 8, 2013 - July 5, 2013 After
July 5, 2013
Student €618.80 €678.30
€916.30 €975.80
Corporate €975.80 €1035.30

Become an ISCB member and SAVE!

With 1300 confirmed registrations, you don't want to be the one left wishing you were there!

Don't miss your chance to collaborate with scientists representing more than 42 countries from computer science, molecular biology, mathematics, statistics and related fields!

This year, ISMB/ECCB offers 225 talks spanning 13 different topic areas, as well as 800 posters.

Browse through the updated conference schedule.

REGISTER NOW and join us in Berlin for three full days of incredible science!

Online Registration closes 5PM, Pacific Time, July 5th!


Conference July 21 – 23

SIGs & Sessions July 19 – 20

See you in Berlin!

Visit www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2013 for more details