Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

ISCB News and Announcements

Submit your research today and be a part of the Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference 2014!

January 15, 2014:
Call for Presentations Closes

February 28, 2014:
Acceptance Notifications

March 31, 2014:
Early Bird Registration Deadline

April 18, 2014:
Room Block Rate Deadline

EARLY Registration - Valid until March 31, 2014
ISCB Member Non-Member
Industry $420 $640
$295 $495
Student $95 $195

REGULAR Registration - Starting April 1, 2014 ISCB Member Non-Member
Industry $520 $740
$395 $595
Student $195 $295

Become an ISCB Member and SAVE!

Mark your calendars for the Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference 2014!

May 16 - 18, 2014
Cincinnati Children's Hospital, University of Cincinnati

GLBIO 2014 is pleased to announce that the call for speakers is now open for its ninth annual conference.  Proposals are being accepted for highlights speakers, research presentations, flash presentations and posters.

Submit your research today!

Submission Deadline: January 15, 2014!

Mark your calendar today and join us in Cincinnati at GLBIO 2014!


CSHALS 2014 Call for Papers Deadline Extended: January 10!

January 10, 2014

Call for Paper Presentations Closes
January 10, 2014 Call for Posters Closes
January 31, 2014 Registration Deadline: Accepted Presenters Required

Jan 25, 2014
Jan 26 –
Feb 28, 2014
Student $200 $300
Post Doc $325 $425
Academic/Non-profit/Government $375 $475
Corporate $575 $675

Jan 25, 2014
Jan 26 –
Feb 28, 2014
Student $300 $400
Post Doc $475 $575
Academic/Non-profit/Government $575 $675
Corporate $775 $875

Become a Member and SAVE!

CSHALS should be part of your plans for 2014!

Conference on Semantics in Healthcare and Life Sciences
February 26 - 28, 2014
Boston, MA

There is still time to submit your work for an opportunity to present at CSHALS!

Call for Papers Presentation Deadline Extended to: January 10, 2014

In recognition of outstanding work in the science of semantic technologies applied in health and life sciences, the CSHALS Organizing Committee is pleased to announce awards for Outstanding Papers and Posters at CSHALS2014:

  • A cash prize of $250 will awarded by the International Society of Computation Biology for the most outstanding student poster.
  • Software licences for Sentient Knowledge Explorer PRO will be awarded by conference sponsors IO Informatics to authors of the most outstanding paper

Submit full research papers, application papers, presentation abstracts, and posters Now!

  • Research papers: up to 12 pages that report on original research, and / or novel methodology that have led to significant outcomes with potential for lasting impact. Papers should demonstrate theoretical soundness of the research and/or strong evaluation.
  • Application papers: up to 6 pages that report on original research with successful application demonstrated by an improvement over existing methods. Papers may include systems level approaches using established methodology in a novel application domain.
  • Presentation Abstracts: Abstracts of up to 500 words reporting on ongoing projects that have met key project milestones but are not ready for fully documented disclosure. Submissions may also describe funded research proposals.
  • Posters: Abstracts of 500 words reporting on early research results focusing on the design and application of semantic technologies in life science scenarios. Priority will be given to submissions offering a functional demo that can be shown at the conference.

A small number of travel fellowships may be available to students presenting posters at the conference. Announcements will be made to poster authors after the poster deadline closes.

Visit www.iscb.org/cshals2014 for all conference information.

Register NOW and join us in Boston!


ISCB Congratulates Philip Bourne on Recent NIH Appointment

The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) congratulates past president and Fellow, Philip E. Bourne, Ph.D., on being selected as the first permanent Associate Director for Data Science (ADDS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Bourne will start his new role at NIH in early 2014.

Dr. Bourne received his training as a physical chemist and his Ph.D. in chemistry from The Flinders University in South Australia, taking him to his current position at the University of California, San Diego, where he is the Associate Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Industry Alliances and a Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. In addition, he currently holds the positions of Associate Director of the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank and Adjunct Professor at the Sanford Burnham Institute.

“The creation of the ADDS position represents the commitment of NIH Director Francis S. Collins to a trans-NIH investment in advancing computational efforts and support in this age of biomedical research as an information science,” said Jill P. Mesirov, Associate Director and Chief Informatics Officer at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and member of the ISCB Board of Directors, who served on the NIH Advisory Committee to the Director's Data and Informatics Working Group. “Phil Bourne has long been involved in community efforts around this same goal. We all look forward to working with him and lending him our support as he takes on this critical role.”

Dr. Bourne brings to NIH a professional focus on relevant biological and educational outcomes derived from computation and scholarly communication entailing algorithms, text mining, machine learning, metalanguages, biological databases, and visualization applied to problems in systems pharmacology, evolution, cell signaling, apoptosis, immunology and scientific dissemination.   

As a founding board member of ISCB and president from 2002 – 2004, Dr. Bourne’s vision and leadership has helped establish the Society which has greatly contributed to advancing the worldwide awareness and understanding of the science of computational biology. Dr. Bourne was named to the prestigious group of ISCB Fellows in 2011. Dr. Bourne is the co-founder and founding Editor-in-Chief of the open access journal PLOS Computational Biology. He has published over 300 papers and 5 books, selling over 150,000 copies. Dr. Bourne’s professional focus has lended itself to a commitment to furthering the free dissemination of science through new models of publishing and better integration and subsequent dissemination of data and results which as far as possible should be freely available to all.

"ISCB is honored to have Phil's participation over the years," said Burkhard Rost, ISCB President. "We look forward to his future contributions to our fields as the Associate Director for Data Science at NIH."

About ISCB:
The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) - www.iscb.org - has been the first and continues to be the only society representing computational biology and bioinformatics on a worldwide scale. ISCB serves a global community of over 3,000 scientists dedicated to advancing the scientific understanding of living systems through computation. We convene the world’s experts and future leaders in top conferences, we host the Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology (ISMB) Conference, and we partner with publications that promote discovery and expand access to computational biology and bioinformatics. We deliver valuable information about training, education, employment, and relevant news. ISCB also provides an influential voice on government and scientific policies that are important to our members and benefit the public.


ISCB 2014 Student Travel Fellowship Campaign

Dear Colleague:

Did you know that 85 young scientists from 21 countries received student travel fellowships to ISMB/ECCB and RECOMB this year? Thanks to your support, and funding from the National Science Foundation, ISCB, and Akamai Technologies, these students benefitted from experiencing, firsthand, the best science in computational biology and in-person networking that will positively impact their scientific careers for years to come.

Your help is still needed. Each year, we receive over 300 travel fellowship requests. Join ISCB in supporting the future of computational biology and bioinformatics by supporting travel for our young investigators. Visit the Support ISCB section of our website to make your donation or learn more about ISCB giving opportunities.

Have you received an ISCB student travel fellowship? We want to hear from you! Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to share your conference experience.

On behalf of the board of directors and staff of ISCB, thank you for your support in 2013. We wish you happy holidays and a happy new year.


Burkhard Rost, ISCB President

Reinhard Schneider, ISCB Treasurer and Chair, Fundraising Committee


ROCKY 2013 On-site Registration Available December 11!

December 11, 2014
On-site Registration Opens 4:00 PM

Nov 16
Student $260
Post Doc $295
Academic/Non-profit/Government $440
Corporate $535

Nov 16
Student $360
Post Doc $455
Academic/Non-profit/Government $660
Corporate $755

Become a Member and SAVE!

11th Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference

Snowmass/Aspen, Colorado, USA
December 12 - 14, 2013

There is still time to join your colleagues at the Rocky conference to seek collaborative opportunities and hear from scientists representing a broad spectrum of universities, industrial enterprises, government laboratories, and medical libraries from around the world.

On-site Registration begins: December 11 at 4:00 PM

Science, networking, learning, and skiing all rolled up into one great conference - join us for Rocky 2013!

Meeting location: Viceroy Hotel Snowmass.

For further details, visit www.iscb.org/rocky2013


GLBIO 2014 Call for Papers & Registration OPEN

January 29, 2014:
Call for Presentations Closes

February 28, 2014:
Acceptance Notifications

March 31, 2014:
Early Bird Registration Deadline

April 18, 2014:
Room Block Rate Deadline

EARLY Registration - Valid until March 31, 2014
ISCB Member Non-Member
Industry $420 $640
$295 $495
Student $95 $195

REGULAR Registration - Starting April 1, 2014 ISCB Member Non-Member
Industry $520 $740
$395 $595
Student $195 $295

Become an ISCB Member and SAVE!

Mark your calendars for the Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference 2014!

May 16 - 18, 2014
Cincinnati Children's Hospital, University of Cincinnati

Interested in being a part of an elite and dynamic program? Call for original papers, highlights papers, and posters presentations is now open for submission.

Submit your research today!

Presentations in the following areas are particularly encouraged for all submissions:

  • Algorithm Development & Machine Learning
  • Databases & Ontologies
  • Text Mining & Natural Language Processing
  • Bioimage Analysis
  • Biological Networks
  • Chemical Biology
  • Clinical Informatics & Epidemiology
  • Disease Models & Molecular Medicine
  • Evolutionary, Comparative, & Meta-Genomics
  • Gene Regulation & Transcriptomics
  • Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics
  • Personalized Genetics and Genomics: Exome, Genome, Transcriptome
  • RNA & Protein: Structure, Modification, Localization, Interaction, Function

Register and find out more about this exciting and unique gathering of industry experts and collegiate giants.

Mark your calendar today and join us in Cincinnati at GLBIO 2014!


December 13, 2013  

Call for Paper Presentations Closes
January 10, 2014 Call for Posters Closes
January 31, 2014 Registration Deadline: Accepted Presenters Required

Jan 25, 2014
Jan 26 –
Feb 28, 2014
Student $200 $300
Post Doc $325 $425
Academic/Non-profit/Government $375 $475
Corporate $575 $675

Jan 25, 2014
Jan 26 –
Feb 28, 2014
Student $300 $400
Post Doc $475 $575
Academic/Non-profit/Government $575 $675
Corporate $775 $875

Become a Member and SAVE!

CSHALS should be part of your plans for 2014!

CSHALS 2014 Call for Papers

Conference on Semantics in Healthcare and Life Sciences
February 26 - 28, 2014
Boston, MA

Don't miss your opportunity to present your work at CSHALS,  the premier annual event focused on the practical application of Semantic Web and other semantic technologies to problems in the Life Sciences, including pharmaceutical industry and related areas, such as hospitals/healthcare institutions and academic research labs.

New for 2014, following peer review, accepted papers will be published online in a volume of the CEUR Workshop Proceedings series http://ceur-ws.org

CSHALS has for 7 years been the ISCB reference conference for cutting-edge practitioners of knowledge engineering and forward-thinking strategists in information and knowledge management in the life sciences.

Now accepting submissions!

  • Linked Data - generation, representation, and management of data using the W3C's Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Linked Data principles.
  • Data Modeling - Ontologies, Taxonomies - practical application of knowledge engineering principles and techniques to data modeling.
  • Text Analysis, NLP, Question Answering - use of semantic technologies for processing natural language.
  • Cloud, Parallel, and Distributed Computing - use of semantic technologies for representation and management of distributed computational resources and workflows.
  • Healthcare eScience - Translational Medicine, Pharmacogenomics, personal health records (PHR) - patient-centric use of semantic web technologies to handle the integration of clinical and biomolecular data.
  • Business Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Analytics - semantic applications for data analysis, inference, and decision-making.
  • Human Computer Interfaces - development of interfaces or design criteria that involve humans in the process of knowledge creation.
  • Clinical Applications - Use of semantic web technology or architectures, including the orchestration of webApp ecosystems, as part of medical care delivery.
  • Molecular Applications - Deployments of semantic web technology in biomolecular and biochemical domains.
  • Applications to Emerging Health Disciplines - Use of the semantic web's integrative and distributed nature to support emergence of novel applications in health care.

Register NOW and join us in Boston!


Last Call for 2014 ISCB Annual Awards Nominations

2014 Overton Prize and 2014 Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award

Nomination deadline: December 2, 2013


ISCB's annual awards are the most prestigious international awards designated exclusively to researchers in the field of computational biology/bioinformatics, and you are invited to submit nominations for the 2014 Overton Prize and the 2014 Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award.

The Overton Prize is awarded to an early career scientist, generally within ten years post-degree, and the Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award is in recognition of highly significant, long-term career achievement. The winners of both awards will deliver keynote talks at ISCB's annual meeting, ISMB 2014 in Boston, Mass. USA.

Nominations from all regions of the world are encouraged, and the selection of award winners will be made by an international panel of current and past members of the ISCB Board of Directors. The nomination form, list of past winners with links to their bios, and a link to the full policies and procedures of these ISCB awards, are all accessed at the above URL.

Please consider nominating your highly accomplished peers and senior researchers who have helped to advance our field in significant and meaningful ways, and then proceed to the nomination form to ensure they are considered for these prestigious awards.

Thank you,

Bonnie Berger

Chair, ISCB Awards Committee

November 15 Early Registration Deadline
November 15 Academic Retreat Sign-up Deadline
November 20 Housing Cut off Deadline

- Nov 15
Nov 16
Student $185 $260
Post Doc $220 $295
Academic/Non-profit/Government $365 $440
Corporate $460 $535

- Nov 15
Nov 16
Student $285 $360
Post Doc $380 $455
Academic/Non-profit/Government $585 $660
Corporate $680 $755

Become a Member and SAVE!

ROCKY 2013 Early Registration Deadline Fast Approaching!

11th Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference

Snowmass/Aspen, Colorado, USA
December 12 - 14, 2013
Thursday, 12 December 09:00 to Saturday, 14 December 13:00

Register Now and SAVE!
Early Registration Deadline: November 15!
Join your colleagues at the Rocky conference to seek collaborative opportunities and hear from scientists representing a broad spectrum of universities, industrial enterprises, government laboratories, and medical libraries from around the world.
Interested in planning an Academic Retreat?
This is the perfect opportunity to roll your conference attendance funds into a very affordable academic group retreat experience in the spectacular setting of the Colorado Rocky Mountains - during ski season! Sign up for an Academic Retreat and save!

Science, networking, learning, and skiing all rolled up into one great conference - join us for Rocky 2013!

Meeting location:  Viceroy Hotel Snowmass.

Science, networking, learning, and skiing all rolled up into one great conference - join us for Rocky 2013!


RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory and Systems Genomics, with DREAM Challenge

Call for Top 10 Paper Nominations!

Please help nominate papers in the field of Regulatory and  Systems Genomics for our Top Ten paper awards at the upcoming RECOMB/ISCB Regulatory and Systems Genomics meeting!

Relevant areas include Motifs, Grammars, Networks, Systems, Variation, Disease, Personal Genomics,  GWAS interpretation,  Regulatory Evolution, Comparative genomics,  Epigenomics,  Physical modeling, Dataset Integration, Splicing  regulation, transcriptional regulation, and all areas of gene and genome regulation at the systems level.

The nomination process will close on October 31st, at which point voting will begin until November 8th, when the conference will begin in  Toronto. Papers must have appeared between  January 1st, 2012 and August 31st, 2013.

Learn more about the Top Ten Paper Awards here.

There is still time to attend one of the premier annual meetings for computational and experimental scientists in the areas of regulatory genomics and systems biology!

On-site registration opens: November 8!

Check out the full conference agenda and join us in Toronto!

Conference: Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 8-12, 2013.

**Onsite registration available at The Bram & Bluma Appel Salon, Toronto Reference Library, beginning on Friday, November 8 at 8:15 AM