Large cohorts, with potentially millions of participants, are needed to understand the genetic and molecular signatures of diseases, and they provide a cornerstone for the creation of personalised treatments. The ELIXIR::GA4GH Strategic Partnership will facilitate the responsible sharing of these sensitive data across Europe in order to help create virtual cohorts with tens of millions of participants. In this session we will describe the complimentary activities that are carried out by both organisations with a focus on secure data archival, federated data discoverability, authorised data access, and distributed data analysis.
The ELIXIR Beacons project is a Driver Project of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health that provides a simple way to federate data discoverability. The ELIXIR Beacons protocol can allows any variation data back end to be connected to the ELIXIR Beacons network which can then be queried to ask questions like 'does this dataset have any information about allele 'X' at position 'Y' in the genome?'. This workshop will show how recent extensions to the Beacon API has extended its functionality by adding support for additional types of genomic variants and improved metadata support. Additionally we will also demonstrate the accompanying ELIXIR Beacon reference implementation which utilises risk mitigation strategies by integrating the ELIXIR Authorization and Authentication Infrastructure (AAI), demonstrating to data owners how to light Beacons at different tiers of data access: open, registered, or controlled.
4:40 PM-6:00 PM
Bioschemas and 4OSS: recommendations on metadata for tools
Room: Osaka / Samarkand (3rd Floor)
Kenneth McLeod, ELIXIR, United Kingdom
Leyla Garcia, ELIXIR Hub
Mateusz Kuzak, Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences, ELIXIR-Netherlands, Netherlands
This tutorial aims to introduce Bioschemas and 4OSS so research software become more findable (mainly) but also interoperable and reusable. Bioschemas is a community initiative based on aiming to facilitate the adoption of structured metadata in Life Science web pages in order to improve findability and interoperability. 4OSS comprises 4 key recommendations to improve quality of open source research software. Both of them support elements aligned with the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) principles. During this session, participants will become familiar with Bioschemas and 4OSS and will learn how to use them in order to annotate (open) research software with metadata.