Conference Sponsors

Novogene delivers unsurpassed data quality to support our customers’ research goals. We are a world-leader in NGS services, with thousands of employees and multiple locations across the globe. Novogene has strong scientific expertise and experience with 40 NGS-related patents, as well as over 790 research papers with total impact factor at more than 6120, including publications in first tiers journals such as Cell, Nature and Science.

CEPI is an innovative global partnership between public, private, philanthropic, and civil society organisations working to accelerate the development of vaccines and other biologic countermeasures against epidemic and pandemic threats so they can be accessible to all people in need.
La Unidad de Análisis Bioinformáticos (UAB) del Centro de Ciencias Genómicas de la UNAM ofrece servicios externos de análisis bioinformáticos de datos de secuenciación masiva y ofrece cursos y talleres a la medida en estos temas. Más información: https://www.ccg.