About UsThe annual international conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) is the major meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). Over the past eighteen years the ISMB conference has grown to become the world’s largest bioinformatics/computational biology conference, and ISMB 2010 will be the year’s most important computational biology event globally. The ISMB conferences provide a multidisciplinary forum for disseminating the latest developments in bioinformatics/computational biology. ISMB brings together scientists from computer science, molecular biology, mathematics, statistics and related fields. Its principal focus is on the development and application of advanced computational methods for biological problems. ISMB 2010 will offer the strongest scientific program and the broadest scope of any international bioinformatics/computational biology conference in 2010. Building on past successes, the Boston conference is designed to cater to variety of disciplines within the bioinformatics/computational biology community. ISMB 2010 takes place July 11-13, at the John B. Hynes Convention Center in Boston, MA, USA. For two days preceding the conference a Satellite Meeting, a Student Council Symposium, and a selection of Special Interest Group Meetings and Tutorials are all offered to enable conference participants to come up to speed on the latest methods and tools within specialty research areas. This year the annual MGED meeting (http://cccb.dfci.harvard.edu/mged13/ ) participants join in at the tail end of ISMB on the afternoon of July 13 and then continue their meeting for an additional two days at the same venue. |