**Call for Posters Submission Site** Opens November 30, 2009 Poster Chair: Yana Bromberg, Columbia University, New York, USA The organizers of ISMB 2010 invite all interested participants and conference attendees to consider presenting a poster.
ISMB 2010 will bring together scientists from a wide range of disciplines, including molecular biology, biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics and statistics. We are soliciting high-quality research posters in any aspect of computational biology.
Submission Guidelines
Posters submitted by March 19, 2010 may be eligible to apply for ISMB 2010 Conference Travel Fellowships. Posters submitted as part of the late poster submission deadline are NOT eligible to apply for ISMB 2010 Conference Travel Fellowship Support. All poster abstracts must be submitted using the conference submission site by the abstract deadline: Wednesday, March 19, 2010 (You have until 11.59 p.m. in the time zone of your choice). Space for posters is limited, and while we will make every effort to accommodate all interested groups, we advise you to submit your poster well before the deadline. Submissions received after March 19, 2010 will be considered for the late poster acceptance. Posters submitted by the March 19, 2010 deadline will be notified of acceptance by Friday, April 2, 2010. You must submit two versions of your poster abstract: a 50-word abstract that will be printed in the conference program and a one-page abstract (~250 words/ PDF format) that will be posted on the conference web site.
The abstract should not contain your title/position or any personal information (e.g. affiliation). There is a maximum of one poster per presenting author. The presenting author of a poster must be present at the conference and be available at the poster session to which their poster is assigned. Any author may submit to various conference tracks in addition to submitting a poster for review. The poster dimensions will be posted by April 2, 2010. Fasteners (Velcro / double sided tape) will be provided at the site, please DO NOT bring tape, tacks or pins. ISMB 2010 will not offer tables for laptop computer demos during the poster session. If you would like to demonstrate your software, you are encouraged to submit an application for Technology Track. All abstracts will be considered a "personal communication" to the conference attendees. Abstracts will not be published in the proceedings, but will appear in the program and on the conference website. Submitted posters will be reviewed and categorized into the following general areas:
All questions pertaining to the ISMB 2010 poster session should be directed to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it **Call for Posters Submission Site** Opens November 30, 2009
Institutional Research.
Public Institutions (Not for profit) are able to submit their research findings as part of the call for posters. This will be displayed with in the topic area of Institutional Research
Individuals may choose to submit a poster presenting a review of a specific field or technique. These submissions do not need to contain original work from the author and are intended to be an introduction for individuals not familiar with the field or technique. These review are not meant to be advertisements (e.g. it is not acceptable that the poster is an advertisement for a book or other type of commercial publication) |