Call for Art & Science Exhibition Proposals - ISMB 2014
**Call for Arts and Science Submission Site* Opens October 14, 2013
Chair: Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern, Spanish National Cancer Research Center, Madrid, Spain
The Art & Science Exhibition is an event organized by the ISCB Student Council, a student-led section of ISCB whose mission is the development of the next generation of computational biologists.
The conference will bring together scientists from a wide range of disciplines, including biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics and statistics. In these fields we are constantly dealing with information in visual form: from microscope images and photographs of gels to scatter plots, network graphs and phylogenetic trees, structural formulae and protein models to flow diagrams, visual aids for problem-solving are omnipresent. Some of the works of the annual exhibitions at the conference combines outstanding beauty and aesthetics with deep insight that perfectly proves the validity of our approach or goes beyond the problem's solution. Others were surprising and inspiring through the transition from science to art, opening our eyes and minds to reflect on the work that we are undertaking.
For the Art & Science Exhibition the organizers invite all interested conference attendees (hereafter referred to as "artists") to submit such images and videos ("artworks") that have been generated as part of a research project. They are also soliciting images and videos resulting from creative efforts that involve scientific concepts or employ scientific tools and methods.
Participate in this exciting event to surprise and inspire us, to open our eyes and minds.
Deadlines | ||||||||||||
Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern (Chair)
Alaa Abi-Haidar
Nils Gehlenborg
Magali Michaut
Venkata Satagopam
All questions pertaining to the Art & Science Exhibition should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Art & Science Exhibition will take place for the duration of conference. Artists are asked to submit images and videos for this exhibition. Videos will be projected in the exhibition space. Images will be shown both in physical form and some may be chosen for projection as part of a slide show during the conference plenary sessions.
Images presented in physical form and videos will automatically enter a contest for a $200 (USD) award unless the artist indicates during the submission process that the work should be excluded from the contest.
Conference delegates will select the winner of the contest through majority vote based on their personal preference. Each delegate will have one vote.
An artist can be an individual or a group of individuals. Each artist may submit video or images for presentation in physical form and projection. The artist has to indicate during submission of images if the image is to be presented in physical form. If the artist submits multiple images for presentation in physical form there is no guarantee that all images will be displayed based on exhibition space. Space for physical presentation of images is limited and will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis.
The artwork may deal with any theme in science but the organizers are particularly interested in work that is reflecting on topics related to Computational and Molecular Biology. While artistic freedom is a primary concern of the organizers the nature of the event requires certain restrictions on the content of the artwork. Artwork that contains sexual, political or religious themes cannot be accepted into the exhibition and will be rejected. Works created for commercial purposes will also be rejected.
The final artwork has to be submitted for review before the deadline through the online submission system. Together with the artwork a brief description of the work has to be submitted as well as a title for the work. The description must not be longer than 150 words.
Videos have to be in MPEG format only and no more than 4 minutes long. The file size of the video must not exceed 100 MB. It must be possible to decode videos with standard software. The maximum resolution for videos is 1024x768 pixels. Videos may include sound.
Images to be presented in physical form must be smaller than 43 x 43 (109.2 cm x 109.2 cm). They must not be deeper than 0.5 (1.2 cm) and must be attachable to a poster board using velcro. The organizers recommend to leave a sufficiently wide border around the artwork and to carefully consider the size of photos and the amount of detail included in images. All images must be submitted in their final form and resolution. In case of images employing non-digital media a high-resolution digital photo of the artwork has to be submitted. Images can be submitted in PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF or PDF format. The file size must not exceed 25 MB. Accepted works must be provided by the artist for inclusion of the show. (The conference organizers will not print the art works) For projection images will be scaled down to a resolution of 1024x768 pixels. The aspect ratio will be maintained. The organizers recommend keeping this in mind when designing images that are submitted for projection only.
All submitted artwork will be reviewed for compliance with content restrictions as well as technical requirements. Artwork out of compliance will be rejected. Furthermore, the organizers reserve the right to reject artwork for any reasons.
The artist must be holding the copyrights for all parts of the artwork or have permission from the copyright holders to use their works. Copyright holders other than the artist must be attributed accordingly in the abstract accompanying the artwork.
By submitting artwork to the Art and Science Exhibition the artist gives permission to the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) to display this work and reproductions thereof during the conference and in materials associated with this and future ISCB events, such as program booklets, (electronic) newsletters, promotional brochures and websites.
Video examples
Image Examples
ISMB 2010 - First Prize
Anastasia Baryshnikova
University of Toronto, CANADA
Michael Constanzo, Chad Myers, Brenda Andrews, Charles Boone
The Genetic Landscape of a Cell
ISMB/ECCB 2009 - First Prize
Twenty Characters

ISMB 2008 -first prize
Mr. Jared Flatow
Northwestern University, USA
A Portrait of James D. Watson in his own Words