Call for Travel Fellowships – ISMB 2014

Funding Information

ISCB is pleased to offer travel fellowships to ISMB 2014 for students and postdoctoral fellows to present a talk or poster at the conference in Boston, MA, United States. Although our funding sources are very limited and we regret that we are not able to fund all applicants, the conference organizers are committed to providing support to as many eligible applicants as possible. Travel Fellowship consideration is based on membership and accepted work to ISMB 2014.

Travel Fellowship Application Invitations are sent directly to eligible individuals after acceptance of a accepted Proceedings paper, Highlight paper, Late Breaking Research abstract, and Poster (excluding accepted Late Posters).
  1. The submitting author will be sent the invitation and is responsible for getting the invitation to the presenting author if the work is not being presented by the submitting author;
  2. Applicant must be a current member of ISCB prior to submitting an application;
  3. Applicant must be listed as an author and be the presenter of an accepted Paper, Poster, Highlights or Late Breaking Research presentation in order to be eligible to apply for travel fellowship funds through ISMB 2014 (MARC applications can be made after notification of accepted Late Poster and/or Art and Science presentation);
  4. All applicants must attend all 3 conference days and secure additional funding from other sources in order to be able to cover the full costs of attending the conference;
  5. Applicant's that plan to apply for MARC funds must do so per the URL in the MARC Funding section above (not applicable as the additional funding source mentioned in summary item #4 above) - the MARC application deadline is June 1st and cannot be extended;
  6. The deadline to submit a fellowship application is April 25, 2014, by 5:00 Eastern Time. No exceptions will be made.
Africa 2000 USD
Asia (excluding Middle East)
1500 USD
Canada (Ontario and East)
Canada (West of Ontario)

900 USD
1100 USD

1200 USD
Mexico / Central America / South America 1250 USD
Middle East
1500 USD
2000 USD

USA  (East of Mississippi River)
USA  (West of Mississippi River)

900 USD
1100 USD

Submission Schedule
Friday, April 25, 2014 Travel Fellowship Application Deadline
Monday, June 2, 2014
Travel Fellowship Acceptance Notification

Application Process

Application is by invitation-only, sent automatically via email to the submitting author of each accepted Proceedings paper, Highlight paper, Late Breaking Research abstract, and Poster (excluding accepted Late Posters). This invitation email will arrive after notification of acceptance of one of these submission types as a separate. IF YOU HAVE AN ACCEPTED PRESENTATION AND HAVE NOT RECEIVED AN INVITATION BY APRIL 18 – PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER AND THEN CONTACT US IF AN INVITATION IS NOT THERE:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Each invitation will include a unique travel fellowship application URL to link to an application. The application URL must be submitted by the presenting author only, if he or she meets the qualifying requirements. If the submitting author is not the presenting author, it is the responsibility of the submitting author to forward the invitation to the presenting author if he or she meets the eligibility requirements. Each application URL can only be used one time and no application will be accepted after the deadline of  April 25, 2014.

Eligibility Requirements
  1. Applicant must be a current ISCB member whose membership does not expire prior to the last day of the conference (July 15, 2014). Applications will not be accepted from non-members; pending memberships do not qualify and must be paid in full prior to submission of an application.
  2. Applicant must be listed as an author or co-author on the original submission of an accepted ISMB 2014 Proceedings paper, Highlight paper, Late Breaking Research abstract, or Poster (excluding accepted Late Posters), and, per the requirements of the funding agencies, the funded applicant must be the presenting author of the work. (Submitters to the "Call for Late Posters" are not eligible for fellowship funding.)
  3. Applicant must be registered in a degree program (undergraduate or graduate) or as a postdoctoral research fellow at an accredited educational institution at the time of the conference; post docs and employees of any US federal agency are ineligible for funding using US federal funds - currently we have only US federal funds for this travel fellowship program.
  4. Applicant must be prepared to register for ISMB 2014 by the early registration deadline of June 6, 2014, and plan to attend all 3 conference days (July 13, 14, 15). If attendance at the conference is dependent on receipt of travel fellowship funds, please do not register until after the notification of travel fellowship funding. Any funded applicant failing to register for the conference by the early registration deadline of June 6, 2014 will automatically forfeit the funds so that another applicant can be awarded from among the original pool of applicants.
  5. Applicant must be able to pay all expenses of attending the conference up front, including conference registration fee (as noted in #4 above), travel, accommodations and meals. Travel Fellowship funding will be provided as a reimbursement as a check payable in USD and mailed to the participant approximately 6-8 weeks after the conference.
FASEB MARC Funding (USA Citizen/Permanent Resident of the USA required)

The FASEB MARC Program provides funding for travel awards to support the participation of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows selected to give poster or platform (oral) presentations at the ISMB 2014.  The travel awards help to defray meeting registration and travel-related expenses (lodging, transportation, per diem) for eligible graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups in the biomedical and behavioral sciences.  Full-time graduate students and postdoctoral fellows meeting the citizenship/residency requirements at accredited postsecondary minority institutions are also eligible to apply for the travel awards.

The FASEB MARC Travel Award Application Receipt Deadline is May 9, 2014, 5:00 PM EDT.  For more information and to obtain an application form, please visit: and then select the 2014 ISCB Meetings: Poster/Platform (Oral) application form located at the bottom of the page.  NOTE: Faculty/Student travel awards are not available for international meetings. (NIGMS/NIH restrictions)

Further, funding to ISMB 2014 will either be awarded through ISMB 2014 or through the FASEB MARC Program, not both. However, because funding availability is very limited, an application to the FASEB MARC Program is encouraged for all who meet the FASEB MARC eligibility criteria.
Eligible expenses

Eligible expenses toward travel fellowship funds include conference registration, transportation (air or land transportation from home region to conference city), a maximum of $660 USD of hotel room and occupancy tax charges, and a maximum of $165 USD in meal expenses. In order to receive the full-awarded amount, receipts for registration, transportation and hotel accommodations are required that equal or exceed the awarded amount. Conference registration fee is reimbursable at the early registration pricing only; registration fees to attend pre-conference events such as SIGs and Tutorials are not reimbursable expenses, but the registration fee for the Student Council Symposium is an accepted expense (only when also registering for the full conference).
The maximum fellowship award is determined based on geographical location of applicant and upon submission of appropriate receipts. Please note that funded applicants will only be able to cover approximately 50% of the expense of travel and registration fees with these fellowship amounts. Thus all applicants must seek and secure additional funding sources (e.g., from your home institution/university, or grant funding). For ISMB 2014 maximum awards will be as follows:

Applicants will be notified no later than June 2, 2014 of the funding status. In some cases applicants may be notified they are on a wait list for funding, which means that ISCB is fully expecting but still awaiting the formal confirmation of our grant award from one or more granting agency, and that awarding of those funds will not be possible until the grant needed to fund the travel fellowship is confirmed. Any wait listed applicant that is eventually awarded funds will be offered the opportunity to register at the early registration rate, therefore, please do not register for the conference if your attendance is fully dependent on being awarded a travel fellowship as any cancellation of an applicant's registration will be subject to the full regular registration cancellation policy.
Funded applicants will be required to present evidence of their eligibility status (such as student identification card) at the conference registration desk to receive their funds, and must sign in with the Travel Fellowships Desk to record their attendance. In all cases, funds will be mailed to funded applicants after the conference per the details noted in Eligibility Requirements #5 above. 
Questions regarding fellowships should be addressed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The information on this page is subject to change without notice, and all changed information will be considered final for the purposes of awarding and funding ISMB 2014 Travel Fellowships.