for ISMB 2003 Papers - PLEASE
11:59pm (GMT+10h) January 6, 2003
ISMB provides a general forum for disseminating the latest
developments in bioinformatics. It is a multidisciplinary
conference that brings together scientists from molecular
biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics and statistics.
Its scope includes computational problems in the interpretation
and analysis of molecular biological data including:
- Data
management methods and systems
- Sequence
analysis, motifs, and pattern matching
- Gene
networks and applications
- Gene
- Networks,
pathways, and modeling thereof
- New
technologies and methods
- Protein
structure and modeling
- Protein
- Text
mining of biological literature
- Protein
function and evolution
- Comparative
genomics and annotation
- Mass
spectrometry and proteomics
- Genetic
variation (SNPs, haplotypes, etc.)
Relevant computational techniques
include: machine learning, data mining, text analysis, pattern
recognition, knowledge representation, databases, combinatorics,
stochastic modeling, string and graph algorithms, linguistic
methods, robotics, constraint satisfaction, data visualization,
and parallel computation. Biological areas of interest include:
protein structure, protein function, genomics, proteomics,
molecular sequence analysis, evolution and phylogenetics,
molecular interactions, molecular structure, gene expression,
metabolic pathways, regulatory networks, developmental control
and systems biology.
Original research papers (including significant works-in-progress)
are solicited in all of the areas above. Papers will be
published as a special issue of the journal Bioinformatics
and indexed in the Medline database. This year, as an experiment,
we are also soliciting "short papers" as described
below. Both types of papers will be considered by the program
committee and follow the same timeline for submission, notification
of acceptance, and so on.
Full Papers:
Attendees are invited to submit papers for oral presentation
at ISMB 2003. Submitted papers should be a maximum of 10
pages (including title, abstract, figures, tables, and bibliography),
single spaced, and set in 12 point type. The first page
should give keywords, postal and electronic mailing addresses,
as well as telephone and fax numbers.
Short Papers:
Short papers are limited to 2-3 pages, and will be given
15 minute presentation slots during an afternoon of the
conference (as opposed to 25 minutes for full papers). Typically
a short paper is a brief communication about novel software,
implementations, databases, and network services, as well
as biologically interesting discoveries using established
bioinformatics techniques. The committee is open to other
content concepts subject to the operational limits on time
and space. All papers must be submitted electronically in
postscript format. Complete formatting details for papers
and submission instructions are available below.
The deadline for ISMB 2003
paper submissions has been extended
to 11:59pm (GMT+10h)
January 6, 2003. All submissions will be reviewed
by at least 2 members of the Program Committee. Notification
of acceptance will be given by February 20, 2003. Final,
corrected versions of accepted papers are due no later than
March 6, 2003. Those
submitting papers that were not accepted are invited to
resubmit their work as a poster.
Submission Guidelines:
Papers must include an abstract of not more than 250 words.
Submitted papers should be a maximum of 10 pages, single-spaced,
12 point font, including title, abstract, figures, tables,
and bibliography. The first page should give keywords, postal
and electronic mailing addresses, telephone and fax numbers.
Submit papers electronically to CyberChairPRO
in either Postscript or PDF format. Papers will only be
accepted electronically. For accepted papers, figures with
multiple colors can be printed, but the author has to pay
for the expense. Upon acceptance,
authors must comply with the formatting instructions for
final papers - available here.
Papers submitted for review
should represent original, previously unpublished work.
At the time the full paper is submitted to ISMB 2003, and
for the entire review period, the paper should not be under
review by any other conference or scientific journal.