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Call For Tutorials (closed)

Bioinformatics Journal
SIGSIM: Systems Biology of E.coli

Tutorial Program

ISMB 2003 will feature half-day introductory and advanced tutorials. The tutorials will be given on Sunday, June 29, 2003, prior to the meeting.  The purpose of the ISMB tutorial program is to provide ISMB participants with lectures and demos on either well-established, or new "cutting-edge" topics, relevant to the bioinformatics field. It offers participants to learn about new areas of bioinformatics research, to get an introduction to important established topics, or to develop higher skill levels in areas they are alread knowledgeable. Each half-day tutorial session (morning or afternoon) is US$85, and registration to one morning and one afternoon tutorials is US$130. Tutorial attendees should register using the on-line ISMB 2003 registration form.

Attendees will receive a Tutorial Entry Pass at the time they register on site. Tutorial handouts can be picked up at the door of each tutorial session.

Tutorials Schedule (Sunday, June 29, 2003)
All tutorials will be held in the Brisbane Conference Center

Morning Tutorials (8:30 - 12:30; Coffee break: 10:15 - 10:30 )      
Bioethics for Bioinformaticists - Wayne Hall (download the abstract as a pdf)
Introducing Workflow Integration of BioEnterprise Applications on a Java Platform - Tin Wee Tan (download the abstract as a pdf)
Statistical Issues in Microarray Data Analysis - Mark Reimers (download the abstract as a pdf)
Analysis of regulatory sequences controlling the expression of gene network - Wyeth Wasserman and Boris Lenhard (download the abstract as a pdf)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolutionary analysis - David Horner and Graziano Pesole (download the abstract as a pdf)
Molecular Modeling: building a 3D protein structure from its sequence - Shoba Ranganathan (download the abstract as a pdf)
Mining the Biomedical Literature using Semantic Analysis and Natural Language Processing Techniques - Ronen Feldman and Hagit Shatkay (download the abstract as a pdf)
The EM algorithm and some of its applications in molecular biology - Frederique Galisson (download the abstract as a pdf)
Afternoon Tutorials ( 13:30 - 17:30; Coffee break: 15:15 - 15:30 )                                                                 
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques for Bioinformatics - Ajit Narayanan and Bjorn Olsson (download the abstract as a pdf)
Computational approaches to detecting gene-gene interactions - Jason Moore (download the abstract as a pdf)

Orthology Analysis - Eric Sonnhammer CANCELLED

Data Warehousing in Molecular Biology - Vladimir Brusic (download the abstract as a pdf)
Microarray Data Normalization and Transformation - John Quackenbush and Cathy Ball (download the abstract as a pdf)
Extracting Biological Information from System-scale Protein Interactome Data - Sudhir Sahasrabudhe and Jake Chen (download the abstract as a pdf)
Molecular Evolution: Evolutionary Dynamics and Molecular Biophysics - Richard Goldstein and David Pollock (download the abstract as a pdf)
Training and Support for Bioinformatics - Theoretical and Practical Aspects - Eitan Rubin and Aviv Shachak (download the abstract as a pdf)