Exhibitor Floor Plan ISMB 2018
ISCB is a scholarly society representing computational biology and bioinformatics worldwide. Serving over 3,400 researchers dedicated to advancing the scientific understanding of living systems through computation, ISCB:
- Provides access to the latest discoveries, information, and training in the field
- Delivers valuable networking opportunities to the scientific community to promote collaboration and advancement
- Offers affordable platforms to present your latest research discoveries and interact with other researchers
- Is the home and community for all researchers working in the field of computational biology
ISCB is the host of ISMB (Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology),the world's longest running and largest conference dedicated to computational biology and bioinformatics.
ISMB 2018 Exhibitors and Recruiters
The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) (www.iscb.org) was the first and continues to be the only society representing computational biology and bioinformatics worldwide. ISCB serves a global community of nearly 3,400 scientists dedicated to advancing the scientific understanding of living systems through computation by:
- convening the world’s experts and future leaders in top conferences
- partnering with publications that promote discovery and expand access to computational biology and bioinformatics
- delivering valuable information about training, education, employment, and relevant news
- providing an influential voice on government and scientific policies that are important to our members
ISCB has three official journals – OUP Bioinformatics, PLOS Computational Biology and F1000Research ISCB Community Journal, and has affiliations in place with several other publications for the benefit of our members.
The Jackson Laboratory is recruiting outstanding Postdoctoral Associates for our expanding academic research campuses in Bar Harbor, Maine, and Farmington, Conn. Join us and contribute to our important mission of discovering precise genomic solutions for disease and empowering the global biomedical community in our shared quest to improve human health.
The Royal Society journals Interface and Interface Focus regularly publish content within computational and systems biology, and we welcome research, reviews and proposals for themed issues from scientists working in these areas.
For more information, please come and have a chat with our representative Dr Tim Holt at booth number 25.
Cambridge University Press dates from 1534 and is part of the University of Cambridge. Our mission is to unlock people's potential with the best learning and research solutions by combining state-of-the-art content with the highest standards of scholarship, writing and production. Visit our stand for 20% off all titles on display. Web Address: www.cambridge.org/academic
PLOS (Public Library of Science) is a nonprofit Open Access publisher, innovator and advocacy organization dedicated to accelerating progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication. The PLOS suite of influential journals contain rigorously peer-reviewed Open Access research articles from all areas of science and medicine.
The GOBLET (Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training) Foundation was established to cultivate the global bioinformatics trainer community, set standards and provide high-quality resources to support learning, education and training. Alongside its mission to professionalise bioinformatics training, its vision is to unite, inspire and equip bioinformatics trainers worldwide.
http://iscb.org/education-cosiThe ISCB EDUCATION COSI focuses on bioinformatics and computational biology education and training across the life sciences. A major goal of this COSI is to foster a mutually supportive, collaborative community in which bioscientists can share bioinformatics education and training resources and experiences, and facilitate the development of education programs, courses, curricula, etc., and teaching tools and methods.
Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) is a trans-NIH initiative established to enable biomedical research as a digital research enterprise, to facilitate discovery and support new knowledge, and to maximize community engagement. The BD2KCCC aims to sustain the impact of BD2K achievement within the global biomedical community and the public domain through innovative solutions in resource indexing and knowledge management.
A non-profit biomedical research institution where mathematics and computer science are applied to the study of genomics, epigenetics, systems biology, biological image analysis, and structural & chemical biology. Our high-performance computing facility allows seamless integration of computational scientists with experimentalists. Visit our booth to discuss postdoctoral fellowship opportunities.
At the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), we help scientists realise the potential of ‘big data’ in biology, helping them exploit complex information to make discoveries that benefit mankind. We manage the world’s public biological data and make it freely available to the scientific community via a range of services and tools, perform basic research and provide professional training in bioinformatics. We are part of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), a non-profit, intergovernmental organisation funded by 21 member states and two associate member states. Our 570 staff represent 57 nationalities, and we welcome a regular stream of visiting scientists throughout the year. We are located on the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton, Cambridge in the United Kingdom.
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. OUP publishes a wide range of academic journals in the field of computational biology, including Nucleic Acids Research and Bioinformatics, two of the largest titles in the field.
F1000 works with Researchers, Funders and Institutions to improve the way research is communicated. Discover the articles of greatest relevance to you with F1000Prime. Explore F1000Workspace to work, share and write effortlessly with your colleagues across the globe. Submit to F1000Research to publish fast, openly and without restrictions.
Jetstream, led by the Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI), adds cloud-based, on-demand computing and data analysis resources to the national cyberinfrastructure. With a focus on ease of use and broad accessibility, Jetstream is designed for those who have not previously used high performance computing and software resources.
ELIXIR unites Europe’s leading life science organisations in managing and safeguarding the increasing volume of data being generated by publicly funded research. It coordinates, integrates and sustains bioinformatics resources across its member states and enables users in academia and industry to access services that are vital for their research.
The PhRMA Foundation provides grants and fellowships to young pharmaceutical scientists to support their research efforts. We provide over $3.5 million per year including over $400K in Informatics awards. Our awards have supported more than 2,300 scientists over the past 53 years with no strings attached. In our Informatics program we offer Pre Doctoral and Post Doctoral Fellowships and Research Starter Grants. Detailed program information and application specifics are on our website – https://www.phrmafoundation.org.
Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics (GPB) is among ISCB’s Journals of Interest and the official journal of Genetics Society of China. GPB is an OA journal hosted by Elsevier and welcomes high-quality submissions on omics and bioinformatics worldwide. GPB is indexed by SCIE with its first official IF available in 2018.
ISCB Student Council (SC, www.iscbsc.org) is an international network of young researchers in the broader disciplines of the field of Computational Biology. SC provides opportunities for networking, career enhancement and skills development for the next generation of Computational Biology leaders. The SC Symposium (symposium.iscbsc.org) is organized as a part of the annual ISMB conference with student presentations, keynotes, panel discussions and a poster session. Come visit our friendly SC representatives at the booth for more information.
We are Chicago’s Jesuit, Catholic university—a diverse community seeking God in all things and working to expand knowledge in the service of humanity through learning, justice, and faith.
We are the biomedical informatics team at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. We are currently recruiting the best and brightest computational scientists interested in tackling compelling biomedical problems, in order to improve health and wellness for children and adults. Join us! Visit our table and follow us @CincyInformatix.
The Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BCB) Graduate Program at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa offers interdisciplinary PhD training at the intersections of Biological, Computing and Information Sciences. More than 70 nationally and internationally known faculty - biologists, computer scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, and physicists - participate in a wide range of collaborative research projects. BCB’s 100+ alumni have achieved exceptional outcomes in pharmaceutical, plant and data sciences, and academia.
The University of Wisconsin - Madison is one of the largest public universities with more than 29,000 undergraduate and ~8,000 graduate students. The university consistently ranks among the top in research funding. The campus is known for its interdisciplinary culture and cutting edge scientific collaboration across diverse departments including computational, statistical and biological sciences. This sponsorship is offered through the collaborative efforts of multiple entities including the Quantitative Biology Initiative and the Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics.
The 17th European Conference on Computational Biology, 9-12 September 2018, Athens, Greece
ECCB 2018 is the key European computational biology event in 2018 gathering scientists working at the intersection of a broad range of disciplines including computer science, mathematics, biology, and medicine. Participation at ECCB 2018 will be the prime opportunity to keep pace with cutting-edge research in such exciting topics, and to network with other members of our community. ECCB 2018 is the 17th edition of the ECCB conference series, which in 2018 will take place in Athens Greece.
Harvard Medical School, Department of Biomedical Informatics
DBMI offers a variety of opportunities to increase your knowledge base and skill set in the application of quantitative principles to scientific discovery. Programs include a Master’s, PhD, and Summer Institute. To learn more about these programs as well as postdoctoral fellowships and software engineering opportunities, please visit: http://dbmi.hms.harvard.edu/
University of Alabama at Birmingham – Informatics Institute
The Informatics Institute provides a home for focusing biomedical informatics activities in the UAB School of Medicine. The Institute comprises core and affiliated faculty and staff with expertise across the biomedical informatics spectrum, including bioinformatics, computational and systems biomedicine, translational informatics, clinical research informatics, and clinical informatics.
Eclipse BioInnovations
Enhanced crosslinking and immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (eCLIP-seq) was developed to provide a robust and reproducible framework to identify RNA binding protein targets.
Macrogen Corp
Macrogen has been the NGS service provider of choice for many academic and commercial organizations from all over the world. We provide quality driven services to researchers and clinicians alike. Macrogen has been providing sequencing services for over 20 years, and our facilities have been recognized by highest of quality control certifications including CLIA and CAP accreditations.
ISCB Power Pod
The ISCB Power Pods offer you a spot for small meetings, discussions or simply to re-charge you or your computer!