Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide


Scientific Events in Chicago

CAGI 5 Conference July 5 - 7
March for Science Summit - July 6 - 8
Chicago Genomics and Data Science Hackathon July 11 - 13, 2018

CAGI 5 Conference July 5 - 7

Website: https://genomeinterpretation.org/content/5-conference

The aim of the CAGI 5 Conference will be to disseminate the results of the most recent CAGI experiment and assess our collective ability to make accurate and meaningful predictions of phenotypes from genomic information. CAGI data providers, assessors, and selected predictors will give the majority of the talks at the conference, with significant time allocated for discussions.

Fellowships are available, and in previous years we were able to provide support to most eligible applicants. To be eligible for fellowship support you must be a student or postdoc and a US citizen or permanent resident. We may also be able to support some members of under-represented groups, including those with disabilities, regardless of citizenship. All eligible participants are strongly encouraged to apply for a fellowship and are likely to receive support.

March for Science Summit - July 6 - 8

Website: https://www.marchforscience.com/summit

S|GNS (Science | Government, Institutions & Society) Summit is a network-wide meeting for emerging and established leaders across fields to share knowledge, build community, and develop their skills as science advocates, educators, and organizers.

Chicago Genomics and Data Science Hackathon July 11 - 13, 2018

From 11-13 July 2018, the NCBI will help out with a Data Science hackathon on the Northwestern School of Medicine Campus in Downtown Chicago! The hackathon will focus on genomics as well as general Data Science analyses including text, image and sequence processing. This event is for researchers, including students and postdocs, who have already engaged in the use of large datasets or in the development of pipelines for analyses from high-throughput experiments. Some projects are available to other non-scientific developers, mathematicians, or librarians.

The event is open to anyone selected for the hackathon and willing to travel to Chicago. Please note that this follows directly on the heels of the ISMB 2018 meeting.

Working groups of five to six individuals will be formed into five to eight teams. These teams will build pipelines and tools to analyze large datasets within a cloud infrastructure. Example subjects for such a hackathon include:

  • A machine learning tool for observing structural changes in time course light microscopy.
  • Novel virus discovery
  • Automated systematic review methodology.
  • Splitting BLAST databases on the cloud
  • Data mapping tool that assists users with mapping their data to CDEs
  • Disease clustering from literature based on limited training data (phenotypic information)
  • Variants from RNAseq (including single cell)
  • Graphical User Interface for Gene Expression calculated on the fly from raw data

Please go to http://ncbi-hackathons.github.io to propose projects, and to access the sign-up form when available (likely in mid-March)