ISMB/ECCB 2021 Presenter Information
As you plan your participation as a presenter please find below details to assist you with your specific presentation type at the conference:
- Key Dates Regarding Your Presentation
- Live and Pre-recorded Talks
- Poster Presentation
- Recorded Presentation Guidelines for Virtual Events
- Live Presentation Guidelines for Virtual Events
- How to record a PowerPoint Presentation
- Virtual Conference Optimal Conditions
You can also find additional resources and recordings of training sessions held for speakers and moderators here:
June 20 | Presenters to have completed release forms, confirmation of participation (sent by ISMB) |
June 20 | Presenting Authors and Poster Authors registration to be completed |
June 30 | Pre-recorded talks due and to be reviewed by COSI/Track Chairs - if issues COSIs to contact presenters directly ANY TIME ZONE JUNE 30 *Once submitted by ISCB to platform recordings cannot be changed |
July 19 | Platform access to poster authors to build profile. Poster authors will upload poster details including .mov or .mp4 poster presentation directly through platform. Deadline to complete is July 23. |
July 22 | Platform opens to attendees |
Those presenting a pre-recorded talk at ISMB/ECCB 2021 should prepare their recording per the information below. Your final talk video needs to be a .mov or .mp4 file, with a maximum resolution of 1920x1080 (FHD) and a minimum resolution of 1280 x 720 (HD).
PLEASE note once submitted your video cannot be updated. The deadline to submit is June 30, 2021.
• Save your presentation as a .mov or .mp4 file starting with your EasyChair submission number (if applicable), followed by presenters last name, first name, and designated track (e.g. 146JonesCarey3DSIG).
• If you are presenting a poster in addition to a talk you must prepare a second video for the poster as the allowed time is shorter (5-7 minutes). See the poster instructions below.
• Recording may or may not include the presenter in the recording, this is at the presenter's discretion. Should the presenter elect to appear on camera in your recording, we suggest you wear the same outfit the day of your presentation.
• Ensure you prepare your talk based on the length of time you acceptance notification specified:
- Proceedings or Long Talk (20 minute time slot) = 16 minutes talk plus 4 minutes live Q&A
- Abstract Talk (15 minute time slot) = 12 minutes talk plus 3 minutes live Q&A
- Abstract Talk (10 minute time slot) = 8 minutes talk plus 2 minutes live Q&A
- Invited Talk = check with your COSI or Track organizer for more information
Our virtual platform provider Showcare has provided the following to assist those with live presentations:
• Some additional helpful tips on planning your recorded talk are available below.
• We suggest that if you are including a visual image of yourself in the recording you consider wearing the same outfit for the live Q&A.
The deadline to submit the recording is Wednesday, June 30, 2021.
Presenters of a poster presentation at ISMB/ECCB 2021 will upload your poster and video via the Showcare virtual conference platform beginning July 19 with the following:
- Presentation abstract
- PDF of your poster
- 5 to 7 minute poster presentation talk as an .mov or .mp4 file (Maximum 7 minutes)
- Maximum content upload of 5GB per poster presenter
- Poster title should not exceed 150 characters
Click for Poster Presentations Overview (.pdf)
Click for the Poster schedule:
Poster presenters will be able to:
- direct message from poster presenter page
- host “video demo rooms” from poster page (maximum of 15 participants)
- Q&A with the poster presenter
Some helpful tips on planning your recorded talk are available below.
Presenting your poster in a lighting style format using the PechaKucha or Ignite talks presentation style or a single slide or PDF is an option for presenters.
Here is a example of a presentation:
Poster Presenters will gain access to the conference platform on Monday, July 19, 2021. The deadline to submit your poster PDF and recording is Friday, July 23, 2021.
How to record a power point presentation
For the best experience please consider the following in preparation of the conference:
- Ensure you have the latest version of Zoom installed
- Refresh your computer - simply by doing a restart
- Preferred browsers are Chrome and Firefox
- Hardwire your computer vs wifi
- Turnoff other browsers, background programs and eliminate other internet devices being used if possible
Requirements per device and their recommendation for speeds (including Linux, Mac and Microsoft computer requirements for zoom) can be found here