Call For Technology Track Submissions - ISMB 2020
Chair: Hagit Shatkay, University of Delaware, United States
Prior to submitting please review the ISCB Exhibitor and Technology Track guidelines for presentations available here.
**Technology Track Submissions
The Technology Track allows organizations to showcase their software and/or hardware relevant to the bioinformatics / molecular biology community.
Submission Schedule | ||||||||||||
Technology Track
To conduct a Technology Track presentation, organizations must complete the on-line sign-up form including a brief description (50 words maximum) of the talk and a one (1) page Technology Track presentation overview (PDF) which will provide the delegate with additional details about the technology being presented and include a one page CV of the presenter as related to the topic. The presenter of the Technology Track must be a registered and paid delegate of the conference.
The cost to present a Technology Track is:
For profit organization: US$1200.00 (20 minutes)
Not for profit organization: US$850.00 (20 minutes)
*Additional 20 minutes at $200, maximum of 2 additional 20 minutes.
• Please note payment is due within 10 days of acceptance to ensure talk is included in the conference program schedule).
• Presentation fees do not include conference registration.
Technology Track Details:
• The Technology Track schedule is set by the organizers with sponsors given scheduling preference for presentation time slots;
• Each presentation is listed on conference web site and includes abstract and full page PDF overview;
• Technology Track presentation room, set theatre style, includes internet connection and audio-visual equipment (data projector, screen, microphone (all additional equipment required will be charged at cost to the presenting organization).
Presentations occur as part of the parallel track system. Individual time slots are on a 20 minutes schedule (3 talks per hour).
Presenters will be provided with a laptop computer and Internet access. If a specialied operating system or software is required presenters should bring their own computer and contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at least one-week in advance of your presentation.
If you use the provided computer please bring a CD/Flash-drive containing any software and presentation material that needs to be loaded.
Within your time slot, you are at liberty to demonstrate your software in any way that you see fit: for example, you can combine one or more structured talks with live demos and question-and-answer sessions. Authors should consider providing handouts for attendees.
Acceptance and Confirmation
All submissions will be reviewed by the Technology Track selection committee and notification of acceptance will be forwarded no later than May 28, 2020. Technology Track presenters will be contacted by the conference organizers regarding presentation acceptance, Technology Track schedule, logistics and payment. Payment should not be made until organizations receive notification of acceptance.
For information on Technology Tracks contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
*** Click here to sign-up to complete your submission for the Technology Track ***