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ISCB 2017 Innovator Award Keynote

Aviv Regev Aviv Regev
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Cambridge, United States


Presentation Title: Reconstructing Cellular Circuits: From Cells to Tissues
Time: Friday, July 21 — 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm
Introduction by: Bonnie Berger, ISCB Vice President
Room: Forum

Molecular circuits of multiple interacting molecules process information in cells and connect diverse cells together into the functioning ecosystem of tissues. In this talk I will describe how recent advances in single cell and spatial genomics, genetic perturbation, and analysis methods open up new opportunities for dissecting complex circuits, all inspired and driven by computation and analytics. These include reformulating problems, using new experimental strategies inspired by computational considerations, and developing new analysis algorithms to derive unprecedented impact on the cells that make up the human body, the circuits that underlie their function, and how they come together in tissues in homeostasis and disease.

AVIV REGEV, a computational and systems biologist, is a professor of biology at MIT, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, the Chair of the Faculty and the director of the Klarman Cell Observatory and Cell Circuits Program at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and co-chair of the organizing committee for the international Human Cell Atlas project.

She studies the molecular circuitry that governs the function of mammalian cells in health and disease and has pioneered many leading experimental and computational methods for the reconstruction of circuits, including in single-cell genomics.

Regev is a recipient of the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award, a Sloan fellowship from the Sloan Foundation, the Overton Prize from the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB), the Earl and Thressa Stadtman Scholar Award from the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and the ISCB Innovator Award, and she is a ISCB Fellow (2016).

Regev received her M.Sc. from Tel Aviv University, studying biology, computer science, and mathematics in the Interdisciplinary Program for the Fostering of Excellence. She received her Ph.D. in computational biology from Tel Aviv University.