Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide




General and Travel Fellowship Sponsors:
BMC Bioinformatics IOCB Prague Elixir Czech Republic Prague Vertex Akamai OBF Bio-Ontologies SysMod Dassault Systemes Biovia Corp PLOS biovis hitseq ECCB CAMDA

Call For Technology Track - ISMB 2016

Technology Track Chair: Rodrigo Lopez, European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK

**Technology Track Submissions - Closes: May 20, 2016

The Technology Track allows organizations to showcase their software and/or hardware relevant to the bioinformatics / molecular biology community.

Submission Schedule
January 8, 2016 Call for Technology Track Opens
May 20, 2016
Submission Deadline
May 31, 2016 Technology Track Acceptance Notification


Technology Track

To conduct a Technology Track presentation, organizations must complete the on-line sign-up form including a brief description (50 words maximum) of the talk and a one (1) page Technology Track presentation overview (PDF) which will provide the delegate with additional details about the technology being presented. The presenter of the Technology Track must be a registered and paid delegate of the conference.

The cost to present a Technology Track is:

  • For profit organization: US$2000.00
  • Not for profit organization: US$600.00

Organizations receive:

  • For Profit: 45 minute with ~ 10 minutes for Q&A (within a 60 minute block) presentation time for profit organizations ($2000)
  • Not For Profit: 15 minute presentation with ~ 3 minute Q&A (with in a 20 minute time block)($600)
  • The Technology Track schedule is set by the organizers and talks will be held on the Monday and Tuesday of the conference
  • Listing in the conference program book
  • Listing on conference web site for overview of organization's Technology Track presentation
  • Technology Track presentation room
  • Audio-Visual equipment provided includes internet connection, data projector, screen, microphone (all additional equipment required will be charged at cost to the presenting organization)

**Does not include conference registration** Presenters must be registered to attend ISMB in order to provide a presentation.


Presentations occur as part of the parallel track system. All individual time slots are on a 20 minutes schedule (3 talks per hour).

Presenters will be provided with a Windows-based desktop computer and Internet access. If a different operating system is required presenters should bring their own computer and contact the audio visual team at least 24 hours before you are due to give your presentation.

If you intend to use a Windows computer provided by the conference for your Technology Track presentation, please bring a CD/Flash-drive containing any software and presentation material that needs to be loaded, or make your software and other material downloadable via the internet.

Within your time slot, you are at liberty to demonstrate your software in any way that you see fit: for example, you can combine one or more structured talks with live demos and question-and-answer sessions. Authors should provide handouts for attendees.

Major sponsors will be given precedence for Technology Track presentation time slots.

Acceptance and Confirmation

All submissions will be reviewed by the Technology Track selection committee and notification of acceptance will be forwarded no later than May 27, 2016. Technology Track presenters will be contacted by the conference organizers regarding presentation acceptance, Technology Track schedule, logistics and payment. Payment should not be made until organizations receive notification of acceptance.

For information on Technology Tracks contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

*** Click here to sign-up to complete your submission for the Technology Track ***

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